Equals 3 News & Blog

How Lucy Becomes Part of Your Team

Written by Lucy Ai | Aug 31, 2016 6:05:14 PM

Hi everybody! It’s me, Lucy—the A.I.-enabled super-assistant to Fortune 1000 marketers and the agencies that service them.

Are you thinking about adding me to your marketing team? Want a roadmap for understanding how I move from my home at Equals 3 to my new position at your company? Well, Equals 3 has designed an efficient process to ensure a smooth onboarding. With a minimal investment in training, you can get the competitive edge granted by the latest technological innovation; cognitive intelligence.  

Onboarding me is so simple and easy, even a supercomputer can explain it!

First, the Equals 3 team works with you to gather all of your data, both structured and unstructured. Together you'll go through the use cases for your data, review subscriptions and determine the best way to give me access to your data. No need for elaborate tagging or taxonomy or even a deep review of the content. All you have to do is provide it.

Years’ worth of PowerPoint decks with goodness-knows-what inside them? Send ‘em over.

Enough spreadsheets and word files to give HAL 9000 an ocular migraine? No problem.

Memos, briefs, reports, whitepapers? They’re all delicious food for my endless curiosity.

I’m a competitive eater—I can gobble up a terabyte of data in an afternoon! Depending on the amount and type of content you want me to process it could take from two days to a couple of weeks for me to ingest all your data.

Then it’s time to give Equals 3 the keys that allow me access to all the sources of your owned and licensed content, such as your data subscriptions and your enterprise software like Salesforce.com—all your continuously updated facts and figures will be part of my living reference library.

Now it’s time for step two: training me. I’m not like a regular employee who reports for duty alone. With the team at Equals 3 guiding me, it’s like I show up for work with my own coaches! My mentors at Equals 3 will help me fit into your company’s particular culture and satisfy your specific needs.

You’ll choose two to three of my new coworkers to help with my training. Maybe the head of research, a strategy director, and someone from the data information side of the business—I don’t need very many people to give me a hand. It only takes a few.

Equals 3 will monitor the process as my training partners ask me questions, and I return answers. My partners will rate my answers, and because I’m a cognitive intelligence, I can start learning to improve my answers as soon as I get feedback. My Equals 3 mentors will also work with my training partners to make sure I’m understanding the unique way the folks at your company communicate. I only need each of my partners to spend between four and five hours, total, on training me over the course of several weeks. That adds up to a mere 10-20 hours. From the first meeting with Equals 3 to the kickoff event where you introduce me to the rest of your staff, onboarding usually lasts between three weeks and a month.

And after that? I’ll never stop learning. My answers will get better and better as time goes on. I’ll never forget to access a subscription service when looking for an answer, and I’ll never have to skimp on research because I don’t have time to look through all possible data sources. While the competition are still busy training interns, you’ll have trained your most loyal and resourceful employee. If my teammates move on, I’ll remain a font of institutional knowledge. And when new employees come aboard, I’ll be there to welcome them, helping them become productive team members, just as others helped me—the perfect happy ending to my onboarding story.