Step-by-Step: How to Get Started with Marketing AI

We recently saw some great advice from the Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute and something we certainly live at Equals 3: During discovery we work with clients to come up with a list of use cases where AI driven automation can help, then—if determined that Lucy is a good fit—we start by focusing on one that’s of highest value to get started.

As you are exploring if an AI technology is the right fit for you, a few questions to ask yourself are: "Do I have data problems that need solving?" "Do I have processes that are inefficient that can be automated?”, these and other questions are covered by this great blog  Step-by-Step guide: How to Get Started with Marketing AI.

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Uploading is Obsolete! Automated Knowledge Management is the New Standard

AI-powered knowledge management systems now have the ability to remove time-consuming, manual processes of uploading, tagging and curation using automation. See what's possible in our latest white paper.

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