Greenbook Webinar: Proving the Value of Modern Knowledge Management

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Every day, businesses are accumulating more and more data, and at a rate faster than before. Insight professionals need to be able to take advantage of technology that allows them to easily unify, access, and leverage all of this accumulated information, especially given the trend of WFH or hybrid workplaces. Though the need is apparent, how to articulate the business justification to the organization continues to challenge teams looking to implement new technology. In conjunction with Starmind and KnowledgeHound, Lucy was thrilled to participate in this hour-long webinar! 


Key Takeaways:

  • Review leading technology provider approaches in unifying clients' knowledge to help save time and money.
  • Review the ROIs gained and how to quantify your business case for a robust Insights Engine.  

Meet Your Lucy Presenter


Scott Litman
Managing Partner, Lucy

Scott Litman is an entrepreneur in search of new ways technology can advance the mission of chief marketing officers, advertising, and media agencies. From the early days of the Internet and the first websites to business portals of the dot com era to the latest generation of 1:1 marketing — integrating sales, service, and marketing.

Watch the Webinar