TechForge Presents:

Closing the Information Gap
How an Answer Engine® multiplies the value of your infrastructure and people investments


If you're a CIO, maximizing the potential of your IT investments is crucial at this moment. According to Gartner's 2023 CIO and Technology Executive Agenda, operational excellence has been the top priority for CIOs in recent years. Looking ahead, unlocking the power of business intelligence (BI) becomes the primary focus after ensuring cybersecurity. However, current BI solutions only scratch the surface of your information, neglecting the vast 80% of unstructured data that is rarely utilized or even revisited.

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This executive-focused whitepaper explores the current landscape for CIOs and C-suite professionals, examining the challenges they face in the realm of business intelligence (BI). It dives into the potential of answer engines within the context of enterprise search and chatbots, while also touching upon the emerging field of generative AI and the advantages of purchasing rather than building. Additionally, it introduces Lucy and outlines a roadmap to achieving a strong return on investment (ROI).


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