Speaker Panel: Think & Link with Dan Mallin and Paul Allen

Lucy's Co-founder and CEO, Dan Mallin, takes a seat to explore the realm of AI.
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AI is here. Resistance is futile. Ignorance is not bliss (in this case). And, every industry will need to work out its relationship, adoption, and perhaps even leveraging of Artificial Intelligence. It is predicted to be a larger revolution than the Internet and will change the value of nearly everything. We have two guests, Paul Ai Allen and Dan Mallin, who have been swimming in the deep end of the artificial intelligence pool for longer than most. They are here to give some insight into how you can work out your relationship with this new organism. Paul Allen is the co-founder of Ancestry.com and Soar.com while Dan Mallin is the co-founder of Lucy.ai, the Mn Cup business plan competition, and many other ventures.

Click here to watch the previously recorded session


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